- How did you start Powerlifting?
“Nicolas started first with the physical preparation he did for rugby. His performances were not so bad so our father did some research and found the website of the french powerlifting federation. Then Nicolas found a club and started his powerlifting journey being 16 years old. During the Christmas holidays, Nicolas defied me on a deadlift. I lifted a bar at 100kg while I was 14 years old. She started to compete the next season.
Today, we are both members of the French National Team and Nicolas has coached me since the beginning. Our parents support and follow us everywhere, for both national and international competitions. They are our biggest fans. It’s our father who built our current home gym. They always did sports, they were running a few years ago and even participated in marathons. But today they joined us in powerlifting to keep good health, with Nico as their coach obviously. They prove that genetics has consequences on our strength haha. The #A7Family makes sense for us now.
- Why did you choose A7?
We choose A7 because we have the same values. I always want to be in partnership with A7 for that. This desire was confirmed at my first World Championships as a Subjunior lifter in 2019 (Helsingborg, Sweden). I went to the A7 booth in the hall of the area to buy the shirt of the competition. The team saw me with my medals and Andre said “Congratulations ! We watched your deadlift on the TV screen, very impressive”. When you are 15 years old, this kind of word can only touch you and make you joyful.
Nico has been wearing A7 for a long time before we joined the team and he was really in love with this brand. He was already posting and mentioning them a lot before we were sponsored.
We apply the Demand Greatness mindset in our training and lifestyle. We make all the efforts we need to achieve our goals and think that progress can be everywhere. It could be on your nutrition, sleep, training duration, intensity and engagement you put on it. All our failures have taught us something. We can always be stronger than before.
We also really like it because A7 is different from other brands, and we like to be different, to not do the same as all the other guys. Also, they try to do better every time, approaching seven .. and it’s what we believe in too.But what we like the most about A7 is this aspect of friendliness. We found in A7 a family with a lot of love and kindness, that makes us really grateful. And we are very proud to represent A7 in our sport and in our lives.
- What are your favourite A7 products?
It’s a really difficult question ! All the products are great but I have a crush on the Sherpa pullover (especially when you live in the mountains). I love the Electric Lemonade IPF stuff because it’s original and different compared to the others (and I already hit two PRs with this kit ;)). Then, the 360 KWD shorts are for me a game changer. When you are a woman, it’s hard to find some shorts that don't mold you a lot, with some pockets, but are still flexible. These shorts are perfect to just feel comfy. I wear them for my training, or for walking or just when I want to chill in summer haha.
Finally, I really love the “Live the Barbell” collection. I recognize myself in the message shared. The colors and the graphics are so original, the yellow provides some freshness and looks very cool !
For Nico, his first A7 product ever was a bar grip and with a bar grip you can do a good bench press on all the benches of the world and it’s so precious! But honestly his favorites are joggers and shorts because they are so comfortable when you have big legs 😅
- What are your goals for 2023?
Nicolas aims for the World Title as a new Open lifter. These are big ambitions but he has the motivation to match with it. Maybe one day he will hit the tonne on total (1000kg).
For me, it is to get on the podium at the World and Euros Open Championships. Keep my World Junior Title and improve my world records on deadlift and on the total. Maybe I can dream of a World Record on bench press too.
- Nico - You were injured just before Europeans at the end of 2022 and still managed to place 2nd overall (in the open class). How did you stay positive and mentally strong with an injury so close to the event?
First, the first night was really hard, honestly, I thought I couldn’t do European, like 0% chance. I was just hoping I wouldn't need surgery because my ankle was really ugly and painful. I just wanted to be ok for Worlds 2023, not stop for too long and be able to play rugby another time. If I had needed surgery I would have stopped my rugby career and it was really the hardest thing.
The day after, I went to the hospital and there was a chair in the consultation room, I tried to do a box squat and even though my ankle didn’t move, I could do it! At that point, I told myself « okay, if I’m able to squat 70kg in 10 days I’ll go to Euro ». It’s only my second year as an international athlete, all the moments on the international platform are amazing and I know many people dream of being at my place so I had to do my best to step on the platform.
I have asked maybe 5 different physio and 2 surgeons to have different opinions, and I concluded I’ll be able to lift, for sure not at 100% but I would be okay. I have started to rehab for 1h30 every day, just for my ankle, plus training, and just set new small goals every day.
And like I told Charlotte (my fiance), in the Open category I didn't make it to the podium at worlds so I was hungry for it. Now that I have finished second at European I’m hungry for the win.
- What's your go to gym hype song? :)
For Clara, it varies a lot but the one that is timeless is “Lose Yourself” by Eminem. Classic but efficient !
For Nico, it is “Les Yeux d’un Animal” (“The eyes of an animal”) by the french singer Michel Sardou. He listens to it before his heavy deadlift singles or in competition.
- Quick reminder about our prize list
Nicolas :
- World Junior Champion in 105 kg (2021) and 120 kg class (2022)
- European Junior Champion in 120 kg class (2021)
- 4th place at World Open Championships in 120kg class (2022)
- 2nd at Europeans Open Championships in 120kg class (2022)
- Junior World Record on Total with 895 kg
Clara :
- 2nd at World Junior Championships in 69kg class (2021)
- European Junior Champion in 69 kg two times (2021 & 2022)
- World Junior Champion in 69 kg class (2022)
- 4th place at World Open Championships in 69 kg class (2022)
- Junior World Record on deadlift (218 kg) and on Total (510.5 kg)